+86 183 02053458


Semiconductor Chip

Semiconductor chip simulation environment and reliability test

Semiconductor Chip

Semiconductor Chip

Reliability runs through the entire life cycle of electronic products, from the design, manufacturing to installation, use, and maintenance, there is a reliability issue. With the advancement of science and technology and the needs of economic and technological development, electronic products are increasingly developed, miniaturized, and high reliably. The complication of functions makes the components of the device, more and more components, and more and more reliability requirements. The failure of each component may cause the device or electronic system to malfunction. The environmental factor is as an example of temperature. When the ambient temperature rises, the rate of the physical and chemical reactions of the transistor internal material is accelerated, thereby enabling the performance parameters of the transistor (current amplification coefficient HFE, reverse saturation current IS and noise coefficient NF) Wait for drift with elevated elevation. In addition, excessive temperatures will also deform, hard, brittle, aging, and reduce the insulation performance of the material etc.

Test Object and Standard



Test items

IEC60068-2-67 standard, module samples at a specified temperature 85 ° C, relative humidity 85% (double 85 test);

Low temperature, high temperature, constant damp heat test, alternating damp heat test, salt fog, alternation (sodium chloride solution), low temperature / low pressure comprehensive test;

High temperature / low pressure comprehensive test; low temperature / low pressure / damp heat continuous test method; temperature / humidity combination cycle test method.

Crystal Element

Crystal Element

Test items

IEC60068-2-2 GB / T2423.2 High temperature test: Test product storage, transportation and work function under high temperature conditions;

IEC60068-2-1 GB / T2423.1 Low Temperature Test: Test product storage, transportation and work function in high temperature conditions;

IEC60068-2-14GB / T2423.22 Temperature cycle test: Determine the effect of primary or multiple temperature changes on products;

IEC60068-2-14GB / T2423.22 EIA-364 IPC-TM650 Temperature shock test: Ability to take thermal shock;

IEC60068-2-30GB / T 2423.3GB / T 2423.4 Damp heat test: Suitable for determining components, equipment, or other products in high humidity and temperature cycle variations and typically use, transport and storage under conditions of condensation on the surface of the test sample adaptability.

Intelligent Control IC

Intelligent Control IC

Test items

Life test: JESD22-A108-A; EIA JED-4701-D101 high / low temperature operation life test;

Pre-treatment test: High and low temperature cycle, loop baking etc.simulation IC before use in a certain humidity, temperature conditions of storage durability, that is, IC from production to use between storage reliability;

High and low temperature cycle test: to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in IC products. The method is repeated changes from high temperature to low temperature by circulating air;

High and low temperature shock test: to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in IC products;

High temperature storage test: Test conditions 150 ° C, to evaluate the life time of IC products under high temperature conditions without working conditions for several years before actual use.

MCU (micro controller)

MCU (micro controller)

Life test: JESD22-A108-A; EIA JED-4701-D101 high / low temperature operation life test

Pre-treatment test: High and low temperature cycle, loop baking etc.simulation IC before use in a certain humidity, temperature conditions of storage durability, that is, IC from production to use between storage reliability

High and low temperature cycle test: to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in IC products. The method is repeated changes from high temperature to low temperature by circulating air.

High and low temperature shock test: to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in IC products

High temperature storage test: Test conditions 150 ° C, to evaluate the life time of IC products under high temperature conditions without working conditions for several years before actual use

IC Chip

IC Chip

Chip pretreatment (PC) & MSL test, J-STD-020&JESD22-A113;

High temperature storage Test (HTSL), JESD22-A103;

Temperature cycle test (TC), JESD22-A104;

Temperature and humidity test (TH/THB), JESD22-A101;

High temperature Aging life test (HTOL), JESD22-A108.

Integrated Circuit Card

Integrated Circuit Card

MIT-STD-883E Method 1005.8, JESD22-A108-A, EIAJED-4701-D101 Life test item: High/ Low Temperature Operating Life test, to evaluate the durability of the device over a period of time under ultra-heat and ultra-voltage conditions;

Pretreatment Test simulates the durability of integrated circuit card stored at certain humidity and temperature before use, that is, the reliability of the circuit card stored from production to use;

MIT-STD-883E Method 1010.7,JESD22-A104-A, EIAJED-4701-B-131 Temperature Cycling Test,to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in integrated circuit products, varying repeatedly from high to low temperatures by circulating air;

MIT-STD-883E Method 1011.9, JESD22-B106, EIAJED-4701-B-141 Thermal Shock Test,to evaluate the contact yield of interfaces between metals with different thermal expansion coefficients in an integrated circuit, varying repeatedly from high to low temperatures by circulating liquid;

MIT-STD-883E Method 1008.2,JESD22-A103-A, EIAJED-4701-B111 High Temperature Storage Life Test, to evaluate the life time of IC products without working conditions for several years at high temperature before actual use, test condition: 150℃.




  • FLEX




  • TCL


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